Golfers Tee Off at Briarwood for Districts
October 8, 2019
Three Warriors have made it to the AAA District III Golf Competition for the 2019 season.
Freshman Haley Hebel, sophomore Sam Elsen and senior Andrew Roberts all participated on Oct. 4 in the district match at Briarwood Golf Course in York.

Photograph by @SuskyWarriors via Twitter
If all students shoot a low enough score, they will compete Oct. 5 as well.
When Hebel received the news about making it to districts, she was ecstatic.
“I was somewhat shocked I was going to districts,” said Hebel. “I had started off the qualifying match well, but once it began to rain, I wasn’t looking so good. When I found out that I had made it, I was thinking [to myself], no way!”
Elsen is excited about the match and is ready for it to take place.
“I am just going to go out there and play a round of golf. [In practice Thursday] I am going to work on the driving range to straighten out my drive and take one shot at a time [during the match],” said Elsen.
As the match goes on, he will play his game just like every other match he has been apart of.
Roberts will be apart of the District III Championship for the last time in his high school career.

Photograph courtesy of Ryan Thomas
“ I made it to districts my sophomore and junior year. Being a senior, I have seen just how little time I have left in my high school golf career, and it really has made my focus go to another level because I also wanted to do well in the postseason but now is the last time to play and everyday from here on,” said Roberts. “If I don’t play well, it’s my last match, so to end on a good note, I need to play well everyday I can.”
Roberts is hoping to take his last high school golf season as far as he can go.
Within the 3 students participating in this competition, some have played for years while others started last season.
“ [I was] surprised [when I qualified] because I have only played golf for two years,” said Elsen.
Roberts shot a 75 on the first day of the District tournament to qualify for the second round.
In round two, he shot a 76 to finish in the top 10.
With this finish, Roberts advances to the East Pennsylvania State Regional match to be held on Monday, Oct. 14.

Photo courtesy of Ryan Thomas