Stevie King Wins Juror’s Choice Award
Senior Stevie King won a Juror’s Choice Award for her artwork on Thursday, Nov. 2.
King was one of five students from Susquehannock who had artwork chosen to be in the display at Marketview Arts in York.
Six of King’s pieces were chosen out of over 300 pieces from different York County schools.
King explains exactly what a Juror’s Choice Award is.
“It’s kind of like an honorable mention,” said King.“Basically, one of the Jurors chooses you to get an honorable mention if you’re their favorite.”
The preparation process was specific, according to King.
“For registering, you had to fill out a registration sheet, and then you had to fill out the media that you used and find the name of it,” said King. “Then, we had to actually go up and take it to a select building for our school, and then set up that. Then, there was a run-through where they chose the finalist exhibition, then that was the last exhibit in the displaying.”
King was only one of around 100 artists chosen to make it to the finalist exhibition
“I’m always really nervous when it comes to exhibits,” said King, ”But when I was chosen for the award, I was like, ’Oh, this is cool!’”
King has displayed her art several times around the school and in other exhibits before throughout her high school career.
“I did a graphic designing contest last year, where we created logos for the Pennsylvania High School Computer Fair, and I won most of them and went on to states, and eventually won second in that one. I’ve done a ton of painting contests, such as the big canvas in the cafeteria, we won first place in that. Last year I won, for one of my drawings that had made it to the final, I won a two hundred dollar award for winning districts.”
King is not new to painting and drawing, as she has enjoyed art since she was young.
“I’ve always been into art,” said King. “When I was a kid, I would always doodle, and I had sketchbooks. I just progressed from there, and I took out of school art classes.”
Currently, King’s artwork is still on display at York College of Pennsylvania.

Alexandra Marusko is a sophomore at Susquehannock High School. Inside of school, she is involved in theatre, mini-THON, student council, and more. Outside...