Heavy is the Head that Wears the Crown

By Michael Younkin, Commentary Editor

  With no ball for the king of hearts to attend, some people find it ridiculous that we still elect a king of hearts.

The point, however, of the election, has never been to decide who the fairest of them all is, but instead to collect food and money for charity,  a truly noble cause.

Senior Dan Stiffler, a king of hearts candidate, feels that it is actually better that we do not have a dance.

  “I think it’s fine… …It gives everyone in the school, not just the candidates, a chance to be able to give back to the community, despite there not being something in reward,” said Stiffler.

  This sentiment was shared by most of the other candidates,  such as seniors Stephen Rouse, Matt Barnhart and RJ Myers.

  The dance itself has actually had a rather hard go of it as it was canceled in 2011 because of car fires, and the years it has actually taken place since then have had a very low attendance.

The absence of the dance gives us a chance to focus on what is really important.

  The king of hearts is supposed to be about the community, and its noble goal should be shared with all dances. The collection should be the method of choosing the Homecoming Queen as well, as it would give us all a chance to get away from the popularity contest and our vain and selfish thoughts of “grinding it up on the dance floor” to instead think about helping someone else.