After a long and dreadful wait, popular british show Sherlock returned to BBC with season three, and now fans wait for the fourth season.
The second season ended in 2012 with the episode The Reichenbach Fall on January 15, when Sherlock ‘jumped’ to his death. After that, the show didn’t resume at all in 2013. However, there was a short christmas episode that acted as a prequel to season 3.
After season two, there was over a year of hiatus or a suspension. Fans became more and more eager for the show to start-up again, and now that it’s over, they have to wait again.
“I don’t think the hiatus will be as long,” explained Senior Hannah Jensen. “But I think it’ll still be a relatively agonizing wait.”
The third season aired January first at 9pm in the U.S on BBC. The last episode ended the third season a mere three weeks later. Episodes for BBC’s, Sherlock, run an hour and only have three episodes total. They were titled: ‘The Empty Hearse,’ ‘The Sign of Three’ and ‘His Last Vow.’
Throughout the season it follows the return of Sherlock after his supposed death. Watson had gotten a fiance over the years named Mary Mortsan, and they married the last episode.
A fourth season for BBC’s Sherlock has also already been confirmed. It is due to start around Christmas next year. According to news site Bustle, the show’s creators have thrown around the idea, as well as the thought of a fifth season. Of course, this made fans everywhere excited and eager for the next season.
Senior Nicholas Roberts has been a huge fan of Sherlock since it began and has really enjoyed the new season.
Roberts said, “They progressed a lot and put a lot more into it. It was a huge development for John and Sherlock’s relationship/friendship.”
He explained that a very emotional part of the series is when Sherlock suddenly appeared again.
Filming for the popular series will have to revolve around Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman’s role in The Hobbit trilogy and other works they appear in. This leads to a strained and packed schedule for filming and production.
However, the series continues to impress viewers as it continues, and fans are sure it won’t disappoint them in the future.