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Ronald McDonald House Charity arrives in SHS Classrooms

Logo of Ronald McDonald House Charities
Logo of Ronald McDonald House Charities
Ronald McDonald House Charities official website

A tab collection in support of a greater cause has been introduced at Susquehannock High school.

Across classrooms and in the cafeteria, envelopes and bins to give tabs to the Ronald McDonald House have been installed. The Ronald McDonald House is a nonprofit who provides a “home away from home” for children and their families who are traveling to seek medical care at Hershey Hospital and other hospitals across the globe.

Students save tabs to donate at lunch. Photograph by Sara Mooney

Alison Altemose, a student council adviser, hopes the drive will make a difference.

“RMHC tab collection was brought into our school as a way for our students to help make a difference using materials they have access to daily,” Altemose said. “Students and staff all drink beverages such as sodas and energy drinks and typically the cans just become recycled. However, collecting the tabs and bringing them to the Ronald McDonald house, these tabs can now be recycled in exchange for money that can help keep the Ronald McDonald house running for families who need a place to stay while their loved one is receiving care in a nearby facility. Having the tab collection is an easy and fun way to do something good for our community!”

Donations of tabs to the RMHC results in them being recycled. After being recycled, they are reused, and the proceeds are used to help families and hospitalized children.

Caleb Horst, another student at SHS, has their own thoughts on the RMHC tab collection program, calling it both, “Profitable and intriguing.”

Starting in 1974, when a general manager for the Philadelphia Eagles wanted to raise money for one of his player’s daughters, the Ronald McDonald House Charity (RHMC) rapidly expanded to over 380 care centers worldwide, in over 60 countries. The Pop Cap program of the RMHC has raised over 4 million dollars for the funding and continuation of the houses.
Mcdonald’s has a very large involvement in the RMHC. Their company donated $211 Million last year alone, and also helps with volunteers putting their time and abilities into supporting their mission. RMHC designates them as their “founding and forever partner.”

Freshman Sam Fisher cracks off a tab during his lunch. Photograph by Sara Mooney

Freshman Frederick Nazarenus shares his thoughts on future fundraisers to better help the RMHC tab collection program.

“They should collect cans instead of the tabs,” Fred said, regarding the larger amount of money the Ronald McDonald Housing Charity would receive when the cans get recycled.

If you would like to donate your tabs to the Ronald McDonald Housing Charity and its tab collection program, feel free to ask your teacher where you are able to donate in their classroom.

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