The Anime club has started up in the new year.
Senior Dina Masafu became interested in anime during freshman year and has stayed with the club ever since.
Masafu’s life has benefitted from the club.
“I give myself to the community, and [it helps] knowing I’m not the only one interested in anime,” Masafu said.
Explaining how the club meetings “are always fun,” Masafu enjoys talking with her friends in the anime club, while watching and discussing different anime and manga series.
These series along with others are sent in a Google document to the club members, in which they can vote for the anime they would like to watch, discuss or read for the next meeting.
If students would like to stay after 11th period to continue the meeting, Shervington welcomes them to continue the fun of the club.
In his sixth year of advising, counselor Matthew Shervington sees a sense of community and welcoming to students who join.
“It does give people an opportunity to be around people who are into some of the same things that they are,” Shervington said.
Shervington balances the life of being a student counselor as well as the advisor of the anime club.
With emergencies and meetings every other Monday, Shervington explains how balancing both obligations can be “very difficult.”
“Sometimes school can be overwhelming and so having an opportunity to just relax and do something that you enjoy without having to think too much and do it with other people is a great opportunity,” Shervington said.