Susquehannock’s automotive club officially started up for the year on Dec. 19.
Run by the metal shop teacher Tyler Martin, this is the club’s second year and is still going strong.
“[We will] Learn about basic car maintenance, we’ll physically demo stuff like oil changes, brake pads and more,” Martin said. “We will also be dabbling in marine engines…some jet skis, boat engines…it’s a pretty big umbrella we cover.”

Martin appreciates how the club teaches students how to take care of their own vehicles.
“I try to encourage students to join just to learn how your car operates,” Martin said. “If you have a basic understanding of how your car operates and moves, you’ll hear problems arise before they become $5,000 dollar repairs. Stuff like knowing how to do your own oil change saves you a ton of money. You can do your own oil change for $30 at home, where if you take somewhere else, they’ll charge $80-plus.”
Principal James Sterner sees great value in the Automotive club.
Sterner said,“The Automotive Club…could provide an outlet for students, who may have an interest in this area…and fuel the auto mechanic career field, which I depend on greatly!”

If you are interested in joining the Automative club, send Martin an email.
Martin said, “I try to encourage people in that respect, and people who are genuinely curious, wanting to know more about engines but not wanting to do a full half semester of an EBT course, it’s a good in between.”
Meetings are usually held during period 11 at school.