Earlier this November, Susquehannock AP program earned a Bronze with Access Award for showing strength within the Advanced Placement classes, being the only school to get one in York County, 1 of 87 public schools to receive the recognition.
In an email to staff, Dr. James Sterner pinpoints what makes this recognition so valuable.
“[It’s even] more awesome when you filter out the private schools and magnet academies,” Sterner wrote. “That leaves us with a pretty elite list of the true who’s who of school districts in the state. One more reason to be super proud of the work we are doing here at SHS and the amazing system SYCSD has…and how special it is to work in a community that values education.”
The AP Honor Roll gives out awards to recognized schools based upon certain criteria. It’s worth noting, however, that meeting the criteria only qualifies the school and does not mean it will actually obtain the award. The Honor Roll has four award levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum (in that order). The Honor Roll also gives out the “Access Award,” which is awarded for commitment to making AP accessible.
“Schools that are recognized on the AP Honor Roll may also earn the AP Access Award, honoring schools that demonstrate a clear and effective commitment to equitable access to advanced coursework,” the Honor Roll website states. “Schools earn the additional award if the percentage of AP Exam takers who are underrepresented minority and/or low-income students mirrors the school’s overall student demographics.”
The qualifications for the AP Bronze Award are more statistics-based; however, despite these setbacks, Susquehannock has met the criteria and gained the bronze award as well.
“40% or more of the graduating cohort took at least one AP exam during high school, 25% or more of the graduating cohort scored a 3 or higher on at least one AP exam during high school,” states the Honor Roll Website. “2% or more of the graduating cohort took five or more AP exams during high school with at least one being taken in the 9th or 10th grade.”
Heather Schoemaker, an AP Human Geography teacher, sees our school as a step above the rest.
“Considering it’s the second year in the row, and we’re the only school in York County to receive these honors, I think it shows the hard work and effort that all staff and students put into achieving that award,” Schoemaker said.
The Bronze with Access award isn’t just some award; it affects our own AP students too.
“The award shows the students’ hard work, and effort on top of it,” Schoemaker said. “For those that scored a three or higher, depending upon the college or university that they choose to take or go to, they will have possible college credit going into their freshman year.”