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Link Crew Hosts Freshmen Competition

Freshman Abigail Retzlaff has a fun time posing for a picture mid-competition. Photograph by Josie Witsik.
Freshman Abigail Retzlaff has a fun time posing for a picture mid-competition. Photograph by Josie Witsik.
Josie Witsik
Link crew leaders work together during a game of tug of war during the Link Crew class competition on April 19. This event was one of the culminating activities for the year for Link Crew, bringing together all of the freshmen homerooms for a fun-filled afternoon. Photograph by Josie Witsik
Freshman Abigail Retzlaff has a fun time posing for a picture mid-competition. Photograph by Josie Witsik
Math teacher Kelly Quinn’s green team rocks the team colors while cheering on their teammates from the sidelines. Freshmen enjoyed themselves. “I thought it went pretty well, and from what I could tell there was a good bit of participation with it,” freshman Waylin Kane said. “I thought it was pretty entertaining too.” Photograph by Josie Witsik
Senior Link Crew leader Sierra Sergeant spins around a baseball bat during the Dizzy Bat competition during the Link Crew competition day on April 19. Photograph by Josie Witsik
Freshman Ben Hassler reaches up to catch the spiraling ball in the football toss. Photograph by Alicia Baker
Freshman Gracie Beuhrle prepares for the next game of tug of war. “I had so much fun playing, and I would totally do it again- just with better shoes!” Beuhrle said. Photograph by Alicia Baker

Freshman Morgan Pisarski enjoys the bliss of winning a tug of war match against her classmates during the Link Crew competition day on April 19. Photograph by Josie Witsik

Freshman Lane Winders helps his team in catching the title of first place by throwing the ball to his teammate. Photograph by Alicia Baker

Freshmen Ben Hassler, Owen Stover, Eric Stover and Jadon Bucholz work hard to keep their stance during a game of tug of war. Photograph by Alicia Baker

Senior Link Crew leader Megan Smith and freshman Tracy Slemp share a laugh during the Link Crew competition day on April 19. “I thought that it was a fun time competing against friends in other homerooms and getting to interact with the link crew leaders,” Slemp said. “I also thought it was a fun way to sort of end out Link Crew as a freshman.” Photograph by Josie Witsik

Freshman Emily Border and Maya Willson prepare to work with fellow freshmen to battle in a round of tug of war against the link crew leaders. Photograph by Alicia Baker
Freshman Trevor Jarvis and his Link Crew leader Aiden Green have a fun time trying to get the other team to cross the line of tug a war. Photograph by Alicia Baker

Senior Sierra Sergeant sprints down the court after spinning around a baseball bat during the Dizzy Bat competition. Photograph by Josie Witsik
Freshman De´jon Spriggs waits to throw the football to his teammates. Photograph by Alicia Baker
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