Senior Danny Chambers has listed this photo as his personal favorite.
Who would have ever thought taking family photos would lead into such an interest in photography? For senior Danny Chambers this typical family event led to his love of photography.
Senior Danny Chambers ‘s third personal, favorite photo to date displays attention-grabbing flecks of light.
“I have been taking pictures for about four years, and …taking pictures of my family…then led to taking pictures of wildlife. I bought a new camera, and that led to taking pictures for the school,” said Chambers.
Chambers uses a Nickon D7000 for his pictures and takes them not only for the yearbook but also for the Courier as well.
Chambers has not paid any money for classes to develop his skills either.
“I took photography at the school offered by Mr. Bowers; that’s it,” Chambers said.
Photography teacher Wade Bowers has seen Chambers from the beginning.
“Danny does a really nice job. He has a good understanding of the fundamentals of the camera and has developed a lot since photography class. His technique has improved, and he has become more creative,” said Bowers.
Junior Emily Preston has seen Chambers’s photos also sees said strengths.
“Danny takes really good pictures. A lot of people enjoy them. He seems to only get better with time and has improved a lot,” said Preston.
Not only does Chambers enjoy taking pictures of wildlife, but he also enjoys taking pictures for sports.
“I take pictures for boys sports, but boys lacrosse is my favorite,” said Chambers.
Whether Chambers is taking pictures of wildlife or taking sports photos, it is safe many are fans of Chambers’s pictures and encourage him to continue taking photos.