In this day and age when the environment is such a concern, going green is an important part of peoples’ lives; many people wonder what they can do to help out, without realizing it is a lot more simple than they may think.
Conserving energy is a great help to the environment because using a lot of energy produces damaging contaminants. Fossil fuels, when burned, produce carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, damaging the ozone layer of the atmosphere. The ozone layer is what protects us from the Sun’s harmful rays; damaging it could be the cause of global warming.
By conserving energy, these harmful pollutants will be emitted in fewer amounts, causing less damage caused to the ozone layer.
Teenagers, due to their young age, are the age group most likely to adopt to change. Bad habits are easier to break, and good habits are easier to make. Some habits teenagers start forming now may stick with them in their adult lives.
This is why teenagers may want to consider changing their lifestyles to help the environment. Simple tasks, such as recycling, are a great help to the environment and do not require much effort.
The simplest way to recycle is to place cans, paper, glass, and other recyclable goods in a recycling bin rather than in the trash. Some people, however, take it a step further and turn unwanted goods or scraps into something useful.
Try using an egg carton to sort buttons or plant flowers and herbs. Just remove the lid of an egg carton and cut it into individual cups to hold buttons, or place soil and seeds in the dirt to grow flowers and herbs. One could also try making old garments into a quilt or blanket. If one has old clothes or curtains, simply cutting the fabric into squares and piecing them together can make a lovely blanket or quilt.
Recycling is not the only way to conserve, though. Using less fossil fuel reduces the emissions we put into the atmosphere. As a result, the air we breathe is cleaner and the ozone layer remains intact.
Some steps that could be taken to use less fossil fuel include riding a bike, walking, or carpooling to school or work. Riding a bike and walking have another advantage too; it’s great exercise.
Conservation doesn’t just mean gas. Turning off lights and electronic devices conserve electricity. While electricity is not necessarily harmful to the environment, producing it typically is, so conserving electricity is beneficial to the environment in the long run.
These tips are not only handy for saving the environment, but they can also help to save one money. Recycling saves money, since you won’t need to purchase as much. Driving less frequently and opting to walk saves a lot of money in the gas department. Turning off lights and unplugging devices saves money on the electric bill.
Conserving energy and helping the environment are great things to do, and they couldn’t be simpler!