Find the Courses that are Right for You

By Lili Teal, Reporter

Questions fly around at family gatherings, asking you what you’ve been up to and what your grades are.
Ease the stress now by choosing the best fit classes for your future.
This guide will help you make the right course selections.

Where do I start?
Log onto Sapphire, and take a look at the course selection screen.

Here you will find a long list of courses available to you through courses you have already taken and what is recommended to you.
Keep in mind what classes you’d be confident in taking.

For example, if you are a junior heading into senior year who does not enjoy science or math, then it is acceptable for you to choose not to take these courses as long as you have the required 3 science credits to graduate.
Take into consideration what you enjoy, what you are successful in and what credits you need to earn to graduate.

What credits do I need?
Found on page 5 of the course selection guide from the school website, this is a small recap of all the credits you need to cover in order to graduate.
Sapphire makes it easy by giving you choices based on what you have already taken, so you don’t have to worry about accidentally taking the same science class again.

Is AP right for me?

Yes, but only if you plan on studying that subject in college.
If someone hates math, then it would not be best for them to take a class like AP Calculus AB or BC because it would be unpleasant.

AP classes are meant to allow you to save money in college by letting you skip entry-level classes.
This is possible if you get a certain score on your AP test based on what the school or institution of your choice is expecting.

For example, universities known for being hard to get into may only accept a score of 5 on the AP test for your study area.
The greatest element to consider in these courses is the workload because they do require more and take on a faster pace.

What are the newer courses about?
Literature in Science is a brand-new course offered for the 2019-2020 school year.
Taught by English teacher Timothy Groth and science teacher Gregory Brobst, it will be a weighted course mixing both English and science topics such as exploring books written about scientific experiments.

Think Tank will be returning for a second year. The course connects students to leaders in the community while exploring what it takes to be successful and solve problems.

Students have said that it has greatly prepared them for the future in problem-solving business settings, so it is sure to be better each year.

How long do I have to change selections?
June 20, 2019 is the date to keep in mind.
After you send in your course selections on Sapphire, your guidance counselor should have a brief meeting with you to confirm your choices and answer questions.

10 days into the new school year, you may get parental permission is to change your schedule, but after that, no changes may be made.

Whether you decide to take lots of art classes or go on the path of computer science, there are courses available for you to choose from. Research and find the way to your future.