The art world is full of massive competition, but Morrisville undergraduate Megan Whitney is gaining rare student teaching experience as an art teacher, instructing art classes alongside Wesley Myers.
Myers plans on giving her more and more control over the classes as the year progresses, so Whitney
has most of the teaching duties by the beginning of the 4th marking period. Then, he will transition these duties back to himself, smoothly taking full control when the program comes to a close at the end of the year.
Senior Taylor Alston, who is enrolled in two of said art classes, explains Whitney’s current duties around the classroom.
“She’s offering advice, pointing out something we might have missed, [and] making critiques,” said Alston.
Whitney has goals regarding the kind of improvement she hopes to help students achieve. “As a new teacher that is prone to experimenting a little bit more,” said Whitney, “I’m hoping to at least bring students new ideas and new ways to create.”
After the program, Whitney hopes to continue teaching art in some form and to also create some art on her own. While her passion is art, she saves time for reading and hiking along the Lancaster wilderness. She also focuses on studying self-expression in whatever form it comes in.
“[Art] basically takes up half my life,” explains Whitney. When a teacher has diction as powerful as Whitney’s, the district can only hope her experience here will help her as much as she will surely help the students.