Library Hosts Murder Mystery Scavenger Hunt
The first clue was found at the front of the library. Students could download a QR code app and scan this code to begin the scavenger hunt. The first clue was: “Our murderer claims he has 937 reasons to end our victim’s life, however where our mystery starts is not in the beginning but what has happened starts at the End.”
Throughout the month of October, students participated in a scavenger hunt set up in the library and went on a journey to discover who murdered Mr. Upton O’Good. In order to discover what the clues were, students had to download a QR code app and could then scan the first clue and begin their investigation.
Librarian assistant Megan Hunt helped create the clues for the scavenger hunt and decided where they were placed in the library.
“I had a lot of help. My husband actually helped me. He’s really good at rhyming, so he came up with a lot of the rhymes. Mrs. Corrieri came up with a few, and I came up with a few,” said Hunt. “It took probably like 2 or 3 weeks to come up with the rhymes and make it all connect.”
Senior Carina Shaw has been going through the scavenger hunt and hopes that the library will do more things like this in the future.
“Up until clue 6, I’ve been going through it pretty fast. When I get stumped, I haven’t really stopped. I would ask questions or…she [Mrs. Corrieri] would point me in the right direction,” said Shaw. “I think it’s really fun, and I wish they did this more often. I wish it wasn’t senior year that I got to play a little game because I love the library.”
Senior Rachel Sergent completed the scavenger hunt in a week and enjoyed the experience.
“I really enjoyed it, and I wish it was still continuing because it allowed me to invest my study hall time in something fun,” said Sergent.
The last day to do the scavenger hunt was November 1. If you were not able to complete it, here are what the clues were and where they were located:

Senior Emily Rivers has been on the Courier staff for two years. As well as being involved in the school’s news website, she is a member of the yearbook...