Seniors Scavenge to Fund a Prom Photo booth


By Ally Kerr, Reporter

  With less than two months until prom, the senior class council is scrambling to fund-raise for the event since the junior class council didn’t produce enough money.

  Every year, the photo booth at prom is the biggest hit for students. As of right now, there  will not be a photo booth, so the seniors are either going to build one themselves with help from adviser Kristin Johnson or try to find the money to rent one for the night.

On March 28 and 29, a certain percentage of proceeds from the Sweet Frog in Shrewsbury will be given to the senior class. Photo by sweetfrog717 via Instagram.
On March 28 and 29, a certain percentage of proceeds from the Sweet Frog in Shrewsbury will be given to the senior class. Photo by sweetfrog717 via Instagram.

  Senior Dan Stiffler is skeptical about a handmade photo booth.

  “I think building a photo booth would save us money, but it might end up making people not want to do it as much because it’s not a professional one… I feel like it’ll be a good option if buying a photo booth doesn’t pan out,” Stiffler said.

  Members of the senior class council had a meeting Tuesday morning to discuss what they should do to receive enough money for a photo booth.

  Senior president Eli Holloway said that the class decided on doing fundraisers at local restaurants.

  “Right now fundraising nights at Sweet Frog and Sons of Sicily are confirmed, and Chipotle is probable,” Holloway said.

The senior class may be hosting a night at Chipotle where a certain percentage proceeds will go towards prom. Photo by wikimedia commons.
The senior class may be hosting a night at Chipotle where a  percentage of the proceeds will go towards prom. Photo by Wikimedia commons.

  The class also came to a consensus that if 350 tickets are sold within the first three days of prom tickets going on sale, then a photo booth will be purchased.

  Senior treasurer Quinlan Kauffman believes that 350 tickets being sold could be possible.

  “If enough students know that we don’t have a photo booth and that 350 tickets need to be sold, I think they will buy them within the first three days,” Kauffman said.

  The senior class wants to have a memorable prom, so they are trying to do the best they can to do so. Sweet Frog will be holding fundraiser nights on March 28 and 29, and Sons of Sicily and Chipotle nights are still to be determined.