Calumet Staff Pieces Memories Together
Period one in English teacher Jessica Beste’s classroom is bustling with energy as 26 seniors have their eyes glued to MacBooks, designing the 2016 yearbook for the final deadline approaching on March 5.
The sixty-fourth edition of Calumet, Susquehannock’s yearbook, will be released to the school in May, but before that can happen, the yearbook staff has to create it. The process began as soon as the school year did, and the staff decided everything from the theme to fonts to colors to page layouts.
Led by the editor-in-chief, senior Kelly Franz, the staff of 25 senior girls and one senior boy chose a “day in the life” theme for the book, stamping each page with a watermark of a location in the school.
“Everyone goes through similar events throughout the day, but everyone has different classes and activities that make their day different than others,” said Franz.

With over fifty percent of the book already published, the staff is still working on pages for more recent events like King of Hearts, some winter sports, and upcoming Battle of the Buildings. Events like the all-school musical, spring sports, prom and graduation will not be in the yearbook, but instead, they will be in a special supplement released over the summer.
Last year was the first for the May book and spring supplement, and advisor Jessica Beste acknowledges the change as a good one for the student body.
“The pictures represent the year that [students] are now wrapping up,” said Beste. “The staff that creates [the book] gets to see the excitement of people looking through it, which I think is the best part.”

Underclassmen and non-staffers can get involved with the yearbook by sharing their photos through an app called ImageShare. Students should use the project number 673514 and password Susquehannock to gain access to the school’s project. Yearbook staffers are also looking for quotes about a Susquehannock day-in-the-life to fill the pages of the book.
Senior Maura Hain, who is assistant editor-in-chief, on the staff, looks forward to seeing the book once it’s published.
“I think this book really connects to each individual person, which is really important because in past years, it’s been really specific to one group,” said Hain.
To order a yearbook, visit this site.

Senior Karly Matthews, a third-year Courier reporter, is editor-in-chief of the publication. At Susquehannock, Karly is also a part of the yearbook staff,...
Ms. Beste • Feb 24, 2016 at 4:56 pm
Nice job, Karly!