Tech Shed Programs an App

By Michael Younkin, Commentary Editor

  Three members of the  Tech Shed, sophomore Aditya Kandala, senior Angela Novacek and sophomore Carter Curry, went to Penn State Main Campus to present an app that they developed to a second round of judging on April 12, 2016. They did not win, but gained a lot from the experience.

  The app that the team developed was an app designed for the marching band to help coordinate their movements in the show. They did this under the guidance of Kayse Corrieri, the school librarian.

  “It basically replaces our dot book that we use to know where we go on the field,” said Kandala. The dot book is a book that the members of the marching band use to mark their place in the show, like a playbook in football. They used a program called X-code to do this, which made it a bit more difficult. They had to learn this new program, which was one of many challenges imposed by this task.

  The app that they believe to have won was an app for detecting early onset Parkinson’s disease. The Susquehannock team agreed that the winners really did have a good app.

  “It really was something special,” said Corrieri. She was impressed with the quality of the Parkinson’s app, and that it was almost fully developed.

  The Tech Shed generally agreed that the school did have a lot of money for the app, and the app was also developed as a part of an actual class.

 In the future, they hope to improve the Susky app, making it able to be used for sports and indoor marching bands in addition to the functions already provided by the app. Kandala said that he may add them this summer if he has time.

  The team also plans on entering the contest again next year and welcomes anyone interested.