‘The Crucible’ Cast Ready for Its Test

By Josia Tourville, Reporter

The theatre is preparing for Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible on November 20 thru November 22.

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Stage crew has been working on building the new set. Photo by: Josia Tourville

Junior Sydney Delpi  believes that this play is different from past plays.

“The plays we usually do are comedic. This is a very dramatic play,” said Delpi.

Junior Julien Sherman, who has a leading role, agrees.

“Usually we do comedies, but this year our director decided to let us step up and do a really dark show, a show that really features our acting and just a really tough show to pull off,” said Sherman

Director Will Jenkins has changed the comedic tone of recent plays  to a more dark tone.

“This play is really heavy. It deals with a couple of moments in history where people got into a mentality of accusing everybody,” said Jenkins.

Jenkins is not only referring to the Salem Witch Trials, but also to the Red Scare. The Red Scare was a time period where Americans feared communism to a degree that people often accused others of being communists, so that they would be exempt from their own flaws.

This drawing depicts a woman during the 1600’s on trial for performing witchcraft. By William A. Crafts (Vol. I Boston: Samuel Walker & Company) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Breaking away from the typical “show” atmosphere, this show will feature a “Thrust Stage Setting.” This means the audience will be seated on-stage around the set. Since the stage is not large enough for a 360-degree  view, the chairs will be lined up 3 quarters of the way around it.

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This is the on-stage seating on the left side of the stage. Photo by: Josia Tourville

Pam Vasilow, the head of theatre costume productions, is involved with much more than organizing and making costumes for the actors.

“This creates more of an intimate setting between the audience and the actors,” said Vasilow.

Each performance will seat up to 150 people. Ticket information can be found at  the Susquehannock theatre website.