Throughout this year it seems like all we have seen is snow and only a few glimpses of the sun. On March 20th Spring finally came to Susquehannock. It is at this point of the year many students start thinking
about pools and outside activities. We asked around the school to see what was on students’ minds regarding the change of the season.
“Are you ready for spring? Why?”

“Yes, because I hate the cold and want a tan.”
– Senior Mackenzie Fancher

“I am ready for spring because we have had way too much winter. We are half way through March and still have snow on the ground.”
– Senior Michael Wells

“Yes, because I love spring, and it’s so warm.”
-Freshman Trevor Ross

“Yes, because I don’t like winter!”
-Junior Kaila Glenn

“Sure, cause I’m ready for AAU basketball and workouts.”
– Sophomore Josh Stoneberg

“Yes, because it’s warmer.”
–Junior Dominic Clarke

“Yea, because I’m getting really sick of the snow and the cold.”
–Senior Zach Gloeckner

“Yes, because lacrosse season starts.”
–Junior Noah O’Brien

“Yea, because I’m not a fan of the cold weather.”
–Junior Corey Mock

“Yes because I’m sick of snow and ready for warm weather.”
-Junior Kerrie DeFelice