With a brand new school year comes a new set of freshmen and a more anxious bunch of seniors. Everyone only gets four years in high school, it is a time to branch out, have new experiences and make new friends. Here are some tips on how to make your 2013-2014 school year the best it can be.
Play a new sport or join a new club
Playing a sport and being in a club are great ways to branch out and meet new friends. Try playing a sport that you have never played; you get to learn and maybe even master new skills, and you also can make friendships that could last a long time. Clubs are great to put on your college applications and even better to help your school and community. Different clubs meet at different days and times of the week and do not take much dedication to be apart of.
Have school spirit
There is no greater feeling than supporting your school and the athletic teams and clubs that put so much hard work in, so do your best to support them with as much school spirit as you can. Participate in spirit weeks for homecoming and King of Hearts, go to different sporting events, and maybe even go watch the school musical. Your classmates will appreciate the support, and you may even make a few new friends while at the events.
Attend school dances
Although you may not like to dance, school dances are a fun way to meet new people in the school. Homecoming and prom are excellent excuses to get all dressed up and have a night out with your best friends. I encourage everyone to go to at least one homecoming and prom because they only come during your high school years, and those four years go by quicker than you think. King of Hearts is a more casual dance and requires little to no effort on your appearance. It is a great, laid-back dance with a friendly atmosphere and great music. Although King of Hearts is less popular than homecoming or prom, it’s still a great dance and is perfect for a night of dancing.
Think about your future
High school is a time to grow and mature and a time to start thinking about what your future may hold. Talk to your guidance counselors, teachers, and your parents to decide what colleges would be good for you. If college doesn’t seem like the right fit, research trade schools and apprenticeships that would go along with your career choice. Susquehannock holds many college and job fairs that can help a student browse quickly at what there is to offer. Also, it’s a good idea to take different varieties of electives to explore your different interests and to help decide what you may enjoy doing in the future. The beginning of senior year is a hectic time, so do your research during junior year and over the summer, it will make things a lot easier. Take your time when deciding about your future, and make the decision that you deem best for yourself.
Realize friends will change
When first starting high school, you’ll soon realize that there are a lot of different types of people and types of friend groups. With more people comes different personalities, and you will need to understand that you make the choices that impact your friends and who you hang-out with. Over time others will choose paths that you may not agree with, and you may lose them as a friend. Although it is difficult to lose friends that have been with you since elementary school, always remember that life goes on. Other people will come into your life that will change you, and they will impact you in a great way. True friends will stick by you and during whatever high school throws at you. It may take time to find your true friends, and they might even come when you get to college, but I guarantee you that they are out there; they will stand by you through everything. Always remember that high school is a tough environment; keep your head held high, and make the best decisions you can.