Susky Grants New Space to the Music Department
April 25, 2023

Next year, there will be new location changes for the music department and new places for students to practice their songs.
Currently, the concert choir is stationed in the cafeteria while band and orchestra are currently occupying the former choir and band room.
Orchestra director Andrew Jones is excited for the music department’s new digs next school year once a portion of the renovations at the high school are complete.
“The new orchestra room will be located in the music suite,” Jones said. “All of the music rooms will be next to the auditorium.”
Having a new music wing for them will give more flexibility to how they will get their instruments and how quickly they are able to get to practicing.

“I definitely think next year will be completely different, but in a good way,” Jones said. “It will be nice to have a central location for the music department where we can collaborate and we do not have to walk all over the building to find each other. It will also be nice to have a dedicated space for each of our ensembles, something we have not had in a few years. Along with the new rehearsal rooms, we will have new practice rooms and storage.”
Jones is grateful to have a set space once more.
“Having a dedicated space for the orchestra will be a welcomed sight for those new and returning,” Jones said. “The high school students are used to rehearsing in the old choir room, or cafeteria, so the fact that we will have an orchestra room again will be amazing.”

Flexibility is also a key to how the music department can work and how they can perform their pieces during their concerts, according to senior Student Kyle Tabak.
“As a musician, we can be put into any space and be able to practice or perform anywhere on short notice,” Tabak said. “Granted, big changes are harder to transition to, but give us enough time and we can make it work. Because of the pandemic and the construction, the music program has learned to be very flexible and just go with whatever is thrown at us. It has never stopped students from going to local or state ensembles, winning championships, or holding multiple concerts. But regardless of change, we will still keep moving forward.”