Photograph Courtesy of Samuel Keller via Wikimedia Commons

Students Have Scholarship Opportunities

February 7, 2023

Money doesn’t grow on trees, but it might appear so with all of these scholarships available for students.

Dollars for Scholars has nationwide set-ups for students. Photograph Courtesy of Fergus Falls Area Dollars for Scholars via Facebook

The first option for students seeking funds for secondary education is Dollars for Scholars.

School counselor Kate Miklos cannot stress enough how eligible senior students are for Dollars for Scholars scholarships.

“Dollars for Scholars [is] senior specific,… it’s run through our foundation, and it’s a bunch of different scholarships that seniors are eligible for as long as they go to school here,” Miklos said. “So, the competition is low, so we really, really encourage our kids to do it.”

According to Susquehannock’s website, Dollars for Scholars allows for students to “…develop their profile now,” so that they are prepared when scholarships become available in January. Awards can range from $2,000 to $4,000 per student.

Counselors especially encourage doing the profile ahead of time, beginning as early as junior year, since it includes a lot of details and responses to specific prompts.

All seniors have to do is go to the school’s website and fill out the application. Once the application is filled out, scholarships that the student matches will be presented to them.

Another option for students is the monthly Scholarship Bulletin.

Copies of the Scholarship Bulletin can be found outside the counseling office and on the school’s website.

Counselor Dr. Billie Jean Miller emphasizes the importance of these scholarships.

“SHS Counseling Office creates and disseminates a Scholarship Bulletin with a list of opportunities to earn money towards college/post-secondary education,” Miller said. “Although many scholarships tend to be for seniors, several scholarships are available for high school students in all grades.”

The scholarships available to students are based on criteria such as involvement, academics, situational criteria, and education following high school.

“Picking up a scholarship bulletin outside of the counseling office is a great way to kind of explore it,” Miklos said.

The SHS Counseling Office puts out a new Scholarship Bulletin every month.

With so many opportunities, students are highly encouraged to apply to as many eligible scholarships as they would like to help fund their future plans in life.

For even more financial aid provided by the school, head to the school’s website and look under the school counseling tab.

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