Pflieger Heads to State Championships
February 28, 2020
Sophomore Max Pflieger placed first at the PIAA District 3 diving championship at Big Spring High School on Tuesday, Feb. 18.
Pflieger performed the highest, scoring dives on 7 of the 11 rounds of the competition with his total point value out scoring the second place diver by 91 points.
He is the first diver the swim team has ever seen and went to districts and states as a freshman, falling short of the district championship.
Last year, Pfileger placed third in the district championships.
Pflieger continues to stay successful despite his school and social life.

“What makes me successful is all of the support I get from family and friends,” said Pflieger.
Staying focused comes easy for Pflieger; he keeps his mind on the task at hand at all times.
“Nothing really goes through my mind when I dive because I like to keep my mind away from my surroundings to stay focused,” said Pflieger.

Photograph Courtesy of @SuskyWarriors via Twitter
This is senior swimmer Keely Coyle’s second season being teammates with Pflieger.
Coyle is a captain, so she is very involved among her teammates.
“Max was a gymnast for a long time before he began diving. He also dedicates himself to practice every week with the North Eastern diving team. His rigorous schedule and his passion for the sport help him to be better than the competition,” said Coyle.
Pflieger does many things outside of the school to ensure his game is at its peak when it is time to perform.
Despite Plfieger’s persistent training, he still is very enjoyable to be around and instills positivity among his team.
“Max is a good teammate because he is always joking around and smiling. A source of positivity is always important for the team to see,” said Coyle.
Coach Brian Wingert has been coaching Pflieger for two seasons.
“He’s a very good teammate. They’re always up cheering for each other; the benches are usually clear. Max is no exception to that,” said Wingert.
Pflieger now moves onto Bucknell University to compete at the state championship on Friday, March 13.