Snow King Creates a Blizzard of Charity
January 13, 2020
Snow King elections are creating a storm of charity in the new year.
Mini-THON adviser and Spanish teacher Heather Walker plans out the schedule for the 2019-2020 Snow King elections.

Snow Kings have decorated a box for students to donate canned goods and money. Photograph by Mackenzie Womack.
“Snow King will run from Jan. 13-Feb. 13, ending with a pep rally [on Thursday],” said Walker.
For the 2019-2020 Snow King, 12 people have decided to run in the election.
“These are our Snow King candidates: Nathan Binko, Chase Watkins, Gavin Held, Jacob Barnhart, Jeremiah Rodeiguez, Eric Schwanke, Cody McCredie, Michael Diauto, Garrian Phanhthy, Hashir Hamed, Daniel Clapp, and Allen Clapp,” said Walker.

Senior candidate, Jacob Barnhart, stands with his donation box, created by him. Photograph by Tricia Rawleigh.
Senior candidate Gavin Held talked about why he signed up to be a part of Snow King.
“I signed up because Snow King directly benefits childhood cancer and gives back to the families in need of financial support,” said Held. “ I wanted to help give back and raise support for the less fortunate through [the] canned goods donations.”

All of the canned donations go directly to the Mini-THON club to donate to local food banks.
Senior candidate Cody McCredie discusses the importance of Snow King for the Mini-THON club.
“I’m a member of the Mini-THON club, and it all goes towards a good cause that has a great impact on families in need,” said McCredie. “[ I hope] to spread awareness for those in need and hopefully help by raising donations.”
Last year, Snow King raised more than $850 dollars and collected just under 3,000 cans.
To help raise money and make donations, each candidate will have a decorated box in the auditorium lobby.
Students can bring in canned goods and put them in one of the candidates boxes.
The collection of donations will begin on Monday, Jan. 13 and end on Thursday, Feb. 13.