Freshman Class Council Holds a Sock Drive

By Ava Holloway, Reporter

Freshman class council held their first sock drive for the homeless from Nov. 18-22.

Photograph courtesy of Karen Deluca
Council officers stand next to their donation box.
From left to right: Nicole Dauberman,Tricia Rawleigh, Lauren Paules, and McKenna Porter

As the days get colder, the less fortunate find themselves in need of warmer clothes.

Freshman Lexy Reider wanted the council to help make a change. 

“In homeless shelters, one of the biggest needs is socks because most people don’t think to donate socks,” said Reider. “The council agreed that since this is a big need. We should do our part and make a sock drive.”

Photograph by Jill Platts
Bodhi shows off his socks in support of the sock drive.

It was the first sock drive that the freshman council had held, but they didn’t expect to get the amount that they did. 

Vice President Lauren Paules was especially surprised by the outcome.

“I anticipated a good outcome, but I didn’t expect it to be as big of an outcome as it was,” said Paules. “We got so many socks that our bin was overflowing!”

Photograph by Ava Holloway
After a week of collecting, the high school’s bin was overflowing.

Advisor English teacher Karen Deluca is proud of the outcome and looks forward to the years to come.

“We have hundreds of dollars worth of socks, with more to come,” said Deluca. “We have some ideas to encourage more donations next year!”