Susquehannock ‘Paints the Plow’ in PennDot Competition
October 8, 2019
Susquehannock will enter the 2019 Paint the Plow competition offered by PennDOT.
Schools that entered the contest are assigned the task of designing a piece of artwork for a PennDOT plow.
The idea is that the best looking plow will be utilized to clean off roads in the area this upcoming winter.
PennDot encourages students to enter due to the project being a huge contribution to public awareness and safety during inclement weather events.

Photograph by Wade Bowers
PennDot Safety Press officer Fritzi Schreffler finds the competition to be very helpful.
“It is a way for PennDOT and the local community to cultivate public awareness and promote winter driving safety on state roadways. Based on the success in Cambria, it was then offered to any district in the state to participate. Our district waited a few years to see if there were any issues that would come up, spoke with our county managers, and agreed that we should participate,” said Schreffler.
Participating high school students will design and create original artwork on a snow plow using the year’s designated theme – “Don’t Rush in Ice and Slush.”
The winner of the contest will have their snow plow used this winter in our community.

Every plow design submitted by schools will be evaluated for creativity and the ability to implement the assigned safety message and theme.
The judges of the contest are PennDOT representatives and local community members from each region.
The local community will also have a role in the contest. They can submit a vote online for a “Fan Favorite” winner.
A photo of each painted plow will be displayed online, and the plow that receives the most votes will be determined as the winner.
Seniors Anna Joy and Randee Semler are working on the plow for Susquehannock.
Semler found a lot of interest in participating in the project.

Photograph by Wade Bowers
“I only joined in on the project because my friend was doing it, but as I thought about it more, I took genuine interest. As an artist, I usually work on a very small [scale], but this project is very large scale, so I wanted to challenge myself,” said Semler.
They are using the administrative homeroom time and will put in time outside of class to complete their designs.
Arts teacher Wade Bowers feels there are many benefits from students entering the competition.
“I really like seeing artwork outside of the walls of Susky and beyond the traditional canvas,”said Bowers. “It is a great opportunity and challenge for Anna and Randee, but at the same time, their work will be displayed throughout the snow season on a snow plow that will plow the local area. I know the guy that is in charge of the project, and he said that he would make sure the plow is used within the Southern York County area.”