Students Take a Vow of Silence
May 1, 2019

Image courtesy of @GLSEN via twitter
Students across the country, including a few from our school, took a vow of silence for an entire day on April 12, 2019.
This vow of silence is done in order to bring awareness to the silencing and erasure of LGBTQ students in schools.
Any school is allowed to participate as long as the principal grants permission.
Students wishing to participate in future years should register online at and order “speaking cards” that let others know why they are not speaking.
Along with registering, the student should also be sure to ask the school administration for permission, first.
GLSEN, the organization in charge of the Day of Silence, can provide a custom letter to the school’s administration which asks for permission, in case the student is not comfortable doing it.
Sophomore Miles Morris has participated in Day of Silence for the past two years.
“The main goal is to hopefully bring a lot more awareness to the bullying that happens to LGBTQ+ students in school,” said Morris.
However, some could be skeptical of the effectiveness of a protest like this in a school of a smaller size.
“I think it is effective [in a school of this size] because it does spread the word. It starts with one person and reaches more people, which is exactly how stuff like this works,” said Morris.