“Adulting” Teaches New Grown-Ups How To Adult
April 14, 2019
The transition from teenager to adult can be an exciting yet nerve wracking time for those who have made it to 18.

“Adulting: How to Become a Grown-Up in 468 Easyish Steps” is a comedic self-help book with genuine advice to becoming an adult.
Though we often take our new found freedom with a giant spoonful of sugar and celebrate by getting piercings or buying lottery tickets, we also need to take adulthood with a level of seriousness.
Comedic self-help book “Adulting: How to Become a Grown-Up in 468 Easy(ish) Steps” by Kelly Williams Brown serves as an entertaining way to learn how to make it on your own in the world.
The book covers almost all aspects of what life as an adult consists of.
Though critics point out that an adulting book written by 34-year-old author seems under researched to older grown-ups, Brown herself emphasizes the power of the age gap.
“There are just lots of things that someone who is twenty-seven knows, thanks to the five extra years of experience being on their own,” wrote Brown. “There are even more things that someone who is thirty-two, and has ten years under their belt, knows.”
With the first chapter putting the reader in the mindset of an adult by advising we all accept our “non-Special-Snowflake-ness” and using the power of “Real Talk,” the book sets you up for the mentality of the real world where there are things you can and cannot control.
From there, “Adulting” gives helpful tips to prepare you for living alone with information on what to do when moving, getting a job and managing finances.
The book even delves into the hard-hitting aspects of life such as love and times of struggle such as death and family issues.

The “Shame Boomerang” is Brown’s comedic interpretation of the guilt we place on ourselves for something terrible we did a while ago.
As a recently turned adult, this book put my mind at ease by answering a lot of the questions I had about life like how to manage a credit card and the essential grocery list.
All this information is given to the reader with a funny twist to make it memorable and prevent it from becoming a boring instructional book.
With hilariously simple doodles and funny flow charts, both creative methods are able to illustrate why you should clean up a spill right away and the returning guilt you feel even after its been years since you’ve done a terrible thing.

This flow chart illustrating the author’s spill-assessment process shows through comedy why things need to be cleaned up as soon as possible.
If you’re feeling worried or confused about adult life, following the 468 steps of “Adulting” will help with the doubt and concern.
“Adulting: How to Become a Grown-Up in 468 Easy(ish) Steps” is available wherever books are sold.