Track and Field Starts the 2019 Season
March 22, 2019
Finally, after all the preseason workouts, it is time to kick off the 2019 track and field season.
Now the seasons are changing, and the track team is ready to start competing.

Junior Duncan McQuay is a pole vaulter who is making his return to the track team.
McQuay is cautiously optimistic for the upcoming season.
“I think overall we will do well, but it might be too early to tell,” said McQuay. “We need to have depth in our roster where people aren’t just finishing top, but also finishing in the middle spots as well.”
Many on the team strive to hit PRs, or “personal records,” throughout the season by practicing hard.
McQuay has his own personal goal that he wants to make this year.
“My goal this year is to hit 10 feet,” said McQuay. “I definitely have to hit that.”
Freshman Zack Sharkey is a distance runner who runs in the 800 and the 1600 meter.
Sharkey wants to get his own times down.
“My personal goal is to run a 5:20-5:15 mile and then run at least 2:10-2:15 for the 800,” said Sharkey.
Students often play multiple sports throughout the year and will sign up for track as a way to stay in shape.
Junior Sean Orndorff signed up for throwing for the first time this year- specifically for swimming.

“I’m using the track season, so I can lift multiple times a week and be stronger for the swim season next year,” said Orndorff.
Sharkey joined the team because he also runs cross country.
“This is what you do when you run cross country,” said Sharkey. “When you do the one running sport, you kind of have to do the other running sport.”
The first track and field meet is home against Eastern on Tuesday, March 22.