Junior Class Council Sells Lollipops

Photo by Linuxerist via WIkimedia Commons (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lollipop_in_the_package.jpg#filelinks)

By Hunter Ellington, Reporter

The junior class council is selling lollipops to help raise money for prom in May.

French teacher Stephanie Myers has a main goal in mind.

“I would like to sell as many lollipops to keep the ticket costs for prom as low as I can,” said Myers.  

Everyone on the junior class council is participating in the fundraiser.

There is one big challenge that the junior class council will have.

“The biggest challenge is getting people to sell the amount of lollipops we need to make the money the week of prom,” said Myers.

The Fundraiser lasts until Friday, February 22.