Boys Wrestling Division Title: It All Comes Down to This
February 7, 2019
As the wrestling team prepares for their match against Eastern York on Feb.7, they are optimistic about the possibility of winning the division.
After winning the previous match on Jan. 24, the team has had their eyes set on preparing for this final match against the Golden Knights.
This match will be the deciding factor for who wins the 2018-2019 division.
Senior wrestler Eloy Rojo-Fuentes and the other members of the team are pumped up for the match.
“I’m excited y’know…we’re fighting for the division title right now,” said Fuentes

A wrestling match between two wrestlers at the beginning of the season.
Photograph Courtesy of Chris Coulson
Though they have beaten the Eastern York team earlier in the season during a tournament, junior wrestler Colby
Romjue warns that the Susquehannock Warriors shouldn’t be too assured in their win.
“You got to wrestle like you haven’t wrestled them before cause you can’t get overconfident,” said Romjue.
Romjue and other members of the team have been hard at work with assistant varsity wrestling coach Jack Stoneberg in order to perform to the best of their ability.
“It’s just like any other match. Practice. Practice. Practice,” said Stoneberg.
No matter what happens, the wrestling team is ready to compete.

[The goal is to] “wrestle smart and aggressive and wrestle to win,” according to Romjue.
The boys wrestle for the division title at the Giant Center in Hershey.