DC vs. Marvel: Who Wins the Battle?
December 17, 2018

Marvel and Detective Comics (DC) have been rivals since DC first started in 1937.
Marvel’s live-action movies are insanely well made (minus the boring “Thor: The Dark World”), with 20 movies — and more to come — that all link together into one universe.
In this universe, all the heroes group together to fight and stop any threat that comes their way.
With all Marvel movies rating high and winning multiple awards, Marvel live action movies cannot get any better.
When it comes to DC live action movies, they are subpar at best, with their best movie “Wonder Woman” being a huge hit- but their only hit.
DC’s live-action movies are bad because the directors are not DC fans, and they are trying to catch up with Marvel’s live action movies.
Marvel’s animation movies do not have the best story aspect with their best being the recent “Spider – Man: Into the Spider-verse” and “Big Hero Six.”
DC animation movies are beyond amazing, yet are not as popular.
Most people would just rather watch a live action over animation movies
The stories are immersive, and they have well-developed animation.
A great example is “The Flashpoint Paradox,” an outstanding film which proves its point with an 100 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
“The Flashpoint Paradox” is when the Flash goes back in time and changes the past and that changes the future for the worse.
Marvel comics are well written and average around an 8.2 on Comic Book Round-Up.
Marvel comics have great stories, but they are just not as creative as DC comics.
However, DC comics are a little bit better averaging around 8.4 on Comic Book Round-Up.
The overall characters of Marvel are not as good as the characters of DC because they have underdeveloped backgrounds
Captain Marvel (Marvel) has a very slow and flavorless story compared to Captain Marvel (DC).
Despite the ratings in the live action movies, DC proves itself to be a superior superhero company over Marvel through their animated movies, comic books and characters.