FCA Students Enjoy Weekly Meetings
September 28, 2018
FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) is a student-led club that meets every Wednesday.
The weekly meetings occur at 7 a.m. in Graphic Communications teacher Wade Bowers’ room.
Despite the name of the club, it is open to all students.
Various students choose to arrive at school early to chat with classmates and listen to a message given by a student leader.
Sophomore Julia Holt enjoys growing closer to God with fellow students each week.
“My favorite thing [about FCA] is growing closer to God with my friends,” said Holt.
Holt said she joined FCA to learn about God with others who have the same passions.
“[FCA] is a good start to your day to learn about God and begin your day in a positive environment,” said Holt.
Students at Susquehannock have the opportunity to lead the Wednesday morning meetings.
Senior Amelia Eyster took on that opportunity and now is a student leader for FCA.
As a leader, she and various other leaders are given the task to create different lessons and share their experiences with others.
“As an FCA leader, I’m in charge of making different lessons and getting to share my perspective with others in the group,” said Eyster. “I help to guide conversation and really allow students to hear a message and understand how it can apply to their life.”
Throughout the year, Eyster and her fellow peers have a lot to look forward to.
“I’m really looking forward to spending time with others in FCA and making new bonds with fellow classmates,” said Eyster. “I’m also really excited for Baccalaureate which I will help plan and put together for the seniors.”
While most of the teaching is done by student leaders, Bowers oversees the FCA meetings each week.
According to Bowers, FCA has been meeting for 20 years at Susquehannock.
“FCA is on its 20th year. It was started in 1998, ironically, my senior year,” said Bowers.
Bowers advises FCA and See You at the Pole, a yearly event where students from many nations come together in prayer.
“See You at the Pole is a yearly event where students meet at the flagpole on the fourth Wednesday in the month of September. It started back in 1990 with a handful of students,” said Bowers. “The original design was to provide a time where students met to pray for their friends/classmates, their teachers, school, and nation.”

Although See You at the Pole is lead by FCA students, it is open to anyone interested in the event.

“Any student may participate. The event is not restricted to FCA participants, however, FCA leaders help lead the event,” said Bowers.
Students involved in FCA will continue to meet Wednesday mornings at 7 a.m. in room 20 throughout the school year.
All students are welcome.