Seniors Share a Blessed Send-off
Photo credited to Sydney Smith
Student participants arrived early to rehearse their prayers or music contributions
May 22, 2018
Susquehannock’s Baccalaureate honoring the senior class of 2018 was held on Sunday, May 20 at Grace Fellowship Church in Shrewsbury.
A Baccalaureate is a religious farewell ceremony that welcomes all graduating seniors with their families and friends.
Many contributed to the success of this event, including Grace Fellowship Church Pastor Mark Fair, Electronic Arts teacher and Fellowship of Christian Athletes advisor Wade Bowers, and Susquehannock student participants.
Prayers were delivered by seniors Ashley Grimes, Kelly Porter, Sydney Smith, Lizzy Beall, and Reese Jackson.
As the offering was collected, ceremonial music was played courtesy of the brass quintet: seniors Connor Skevington and Alex Bongardt and juniors Hayden Roberts, Aaron Gibbs, and Matthew Mussmacher.
All donations from the evening will be presented to Sparrow Place, a local foundation offering safe housing to sex trafficking survivors.
Senior Brittany Boone presented her poem “Here in the Unknown,” written about how God is the one “making a masterpiece” of our lives.
A student-lead band featuring seniors Justin Feild, Andrew Foxwell, Kee Moss, and Brendan Paules performed the songs “This is Amazing Grace,” “I Can Only Imagine,” and “I Am Redeemed.”
Memories of the seniors’ last four years at Susquehannock were shared through photo slideshows.
This Baccalaureate has marked one of the last gatherings for seniors before their graduation day on Thursday, May 31.

A total of 51 seniors attended the Baccalaureate honoring their approaching graduation.

[Left to right] Graduating friends Lacey Walker, Maddie Stone, Emma Stiffler, and Taylor Tannura capture this evening together.

Seniors Maya Weigard and Lacey Walker both wear blue National Honor Society stoles.

For the ceremony, seniors are adorned in their graduation gowns and accolades.