‘Avengers Infinity War’ Explodes Into Theaters
May 11, 2018
The biggest assortment of comic book heroes and villains in any Marvel movie, Avengers Infinity War features not only amazing acting ability but also surprisingly high stakes that will catch even the most avid fans off guard.
Dropping on the 10th anniversary of the Marvel cinematic universe, Avengers 3 is the culmination of 18 interconnecting movies brought together in what can only be described as spectacular.
Ever since the first Avengers movie post-credit tease, the big bad Thanos has left fans waiting for this film and for fans to speculate and theorize what major ramifications the movie’s plot would have for the characters.

A notable criticism fans of the series have is the plot armor all of Marvels characters seem to wear making them invincible to any harm inflicted upon them.
Obviously, Marvel isn’t going to kill off Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman) or Spiderman (Tom Holland), at least not permanently. That would be commercial suicide, yet Infinity War strives to change the status quo by presenting real stakes and universally affecting changes to its characters.

Viewing as a standalone movie, Infinity War is a confusing mess of characters and plot points, but it’s not a standalone movie with its collection of characters whose lives we have witnessed evolve practically before our very eyes.
Infinity War is by no means a movie for the casual moviegoer, but is a rewarding experience for fans that have followed the series from the beginning, showing them the next phase of the lives of these characters.
Perhaps the most intriguing part of Infinity War is Josh Brolin’s villainous character Thanos and his development throughout the movie from a outright evil tyrant to an emotional character that viewers can possibly sympathize with …. possibly.

Whether or not Avengers 3 will make a mark in movie history is still up for discussion, but it is undeniable that it has made box office history as the current highest grossing opening movie of all time, surpassing Fate of The Furious, the previous record holder, and all without even opening in China.