J. Cole Releases New Album, “KOD”
Photo By Kirstenmgreene [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], from Wikimedia Commons
May 11, 2018
Rapper Jermaine Cole, better known as J. Cole, recently released his new album, KOD.
KOD is the fifth studio album in Cole’s discography that dates back to 2007.
Before the album’s release, Cole stated that the three meanings for “KOD” are “kids on drugs,” “kill our demons,” and “king overdosed.”
This made it clear that Cole would focus on topics like drugs, alcohol and addiction for a large majority of the album.
KOD explores addiction in areas other than drugs.
On the track titled “Photograph,” Cole raps about the addicting elements of social media, as he tries to attract a female online.
“Kevin’s Heart” can be interpreted as Cole rapping about the consequences of drug addiction, or the struggles of trying to stay faithful in a relationship.
One way Cole expressed drug related issues was by featuring himself under the alias “kiLL edward” on tracks like “The Cut Of” and “FRIENDS.”
“kiLL edward”’s role in the album was to portray the people in Cole’s life who have been a victim of drug abuse.
Cole makes it evident on these tracks that he wants his listeners to find alternative methods to overcome their inner demons, such as meditation.
Senior Alec Kramer believes Cole should have featured other artists besides himself.
“kiLL edward” was a nice addition to the album, but Cole needs to realize how much better his projects could be if he were to add other artists,” said Kramer. “Artists like Kendrick Lamar or A$AP Rocky would have added interesting elements to KOD.
One aspect of KOD that has listeners debating is the instrumentals.
While many prefer more layered beats, Cole decided to go with a minimalist’s style.
Senior Josh Smiley is happy with the instrumentals.
“Sometimes artists use beats hat have too many layers, and it takes the focus away from the actual rapping,” said Smiley. “J. Cole chose beats that not only sound good, but assure his verses will be the primary focus of the song.”
The final track of the album, titled “1985,” has caused a lot of buzz in the rap community.
On this track Cole speaks to the younger generation of rappers, and he warns them how easily they can fall out of the rap game if they continue to act recklessly and without thought.
While Cole doesn’t use any names in particular, it is widely known that he is rapping in response to Lil Pump, who recently dissed Cole.
Smiley is very satified with what this song does for the rap community.
“J. Cole was able to deliver a track that not only displayed his rapping ability, but also sent a great message to young rappers,” said Smiley. “Hopefully rappers like Lil Pump are able to take Cole’s advice and use it to make sure they have a long successful career.”
Some hypothesize that KOD’s focus was to highlight the vices that the younger rappers like Lil Pump face.
Fortunately for Cole fans, KOD can be interpreted in many ways which means the album will have longevity.
KOD wil likely be in the running for rap album of the year.