Student EMTs Make a Difference
March 13, 2018
Juniors Brody and Brandon Cain and Senior Paige Kish volunteer their time to help others, by being EMTs.

They first started out volunteering at the Shrewsbury fire department, but a greater interest sparked from there.
“Four years ago we got started in the fire department,” said Brody Cain. “… then two years ago we got involved in EMS, and it has been a roller coaster ride ever since.”
The job may seem to be very stressful, but Brandon believes that the pressure is all worth it in the end.

“It is seeing the immediate impact you make on families, on individuals, on groups of people,” said Brandon Cain. “It’s just the most rewarding thing the job offers.”
Both of the Cains really enjoy their work and hope it will bring new opportunities for the future.
“I hope that I have more motivation, determination, and drive to become a doctor,” said Brody Cain. “Because that is my ultimate end goal.”
Along with Brandon and Brody Cain, other students are EMT’s, including senior Paige Kish.
Kish has been an EMT for three years and appreciates many different aspects of the job.

“My favorite part of the job is never really knowing what I’m going to walk into and knowing that I’m making a difference,” said Kish.
Kish also has plans to continue her career in the medical field, anticipating that being an EMT will be very useful.
“I hope that being an EMT helps me in nursing school and helps me get some experience in healthcare,” said Kish. “The goal is to be a registered nurse, so being an EMT is the perfect step of transition into the medical field.”

For the Cains and Kish, being an EMT is not only an enjoyable job for them now, it will also be helpful for their futures.
Dee Behrens • Mar 15, 2018 at 1:13 pm
Proud of you! God Bless you in your future.