Grove Introduces her Bundle of “Madelin Joy”
Photo courtesy of Abigail Grove
SHS Math and Physical Education teacher Abigail Grove gave birth to her daughter on February 23 at 6:22 a.m.
March 12, 2018
Physical education and mathematics teacher Abigail Grove recently had her first child and is out on maternity leave. She was willing to complete an interview regarding her experience and her daughter, Madelin Joy.
Q: Is it true that you will be on maternity leave for the rest of the year? Will you be returning in the fall of 2018?
A: Yes, I will be on maternity leave for the remainder of the 2017-2018 school year. I do plan to return back in the fall and come to extracurricular events with Madelin. She will be a huge Susky fan!
Q: How did you go about planning for Madelin’s arrival?
A: Since I was born 3 weeks early, I made sure we were ready for Madelin’s arrival as soon as possible. We prepared the nursery, packed our hospital bags, and spent countless hours reading books and inquiring of friends for advice.
Q: What advice would you give someone preparing for her first baby based on your experience?
A: I would advise someone to be sure the logistics are taken care of early. We took a hospital tour about a month ago, which showed us how to check in and the rooms where we would be taken. We had the nursery completely set up. I had meals frozen that would only need put in the slow cooker to prepare. I had such a peace of mind going to the hospital knowing that all of my affairs were in order, and I would be coming back to a clean house where we could spend the first few days bonding with our baby.
Q: Is being a new mother like you imagined or anticipated and how?
A: I have truly enjoyed my experience as a mother thus far. I imagined all of the dirty diapers and waking up throughout the night to feed her, but I could not imagine how quickly we would fall into our roles, and I would fall in love with this tiny human.

Madelin is welcomed home to her new nursery.
Q: Is being a new mother like you imagined or anticipated and how?
A: I have truly enjoyed my experience as a mother thus far. I imagined all of the dirty diapers and waking up throughout the night to feed her, but I could not imagine how quickly we would fall into our roles, and I would fall in love with this tiny human.
Q: Have any challenges arisen while caring for your newborn baby? What are they?
A: She is completely helpless, which is the biggest challenge for me. When she cries, I want to be able to comfort her immediately, but I am not always sure of the cause.
Q: What are your favorite parts about having Madelin as new addition to the family?
A: I have loved the cuddling time I have had with Madelin. Already she is forcing me to reflect on myself and to enjoy every moment and live in the present. She has changed in the first two weeks of life and will continue to grow quickly, so I don’t want to miss anything.
Q: So far, what is Madelin like?
A: Madelin is a very alert baby! It may be my motherly bias talking, but she also seems quite strong, lifting her head on her own! She isn’t able to control her movements yet, but I am proud just the same! She is also a content baby and loves to be held by everyone that we meet. The only time she cries is when she is really hungry, and I missed the early cues. We are slowly learning to read each other.

Madelin Joy already lives up to her name with her beaming personality.
Q: Are there any aspects of the baby’s appearance and personality that remind you of yourself?
A: So far, her appearance most resembles her dad. We looked at baby pictures to compare, and they are nearly indistinguishable. I will say that she can fall asleep anywhere, a skill I also possess, and she is overall a happy baby, a trait I strive to maintain.
Q: What are you most excited for experiencing with your daughter as she grows up?
A: I am excited to teach her to love music, reading, sports, and the value of others. I think I am most excited to learn what she loves and encourage her to pursue her passions.
Q: What kind of mother do you hope to be for Madelin and what methods will you use in raising her?
A: I hope to lead by example when raising her. I look up to parents who are able to remain calm even in stressful situations and teach with word and deed. I desire to be the kind of parent who plays with her child and teaches her to enjoy life. Besides liking the name, I chose “Joy” for her middle name as a reminder to find joy throughout life, and I hope to pass that on to Madelin.
Q: Are you considering having more children in the future?
A: We definitely would like to have more children, but haven’t decided if we want to adopt or have another biological child. We have been blessed so tremendously and want to share that with others.

Little Madelin is adored by the entire Grove family.