Snow King Fundraiser Coming in 2018

AJ Marusko

By Jade Reall, Senior Reporter

Recent snowfall and dropping temperatures greet Susquehannock as the Snow King Fundraiser comes back for the second year.

Eight to ten male students who plan to run for Snow King will have a chance to compete in collecting donations for Mini-THON and local food banks.

“We needed different ways to fundraise,” said Snow King coordinator Heather Schoemaker. “It is a way to not only raise funds for Mini-Thon, but also for Southern Food Pantries.”

Each one of the students raising donations will create a box to be placed in the auditorium lobby reflecting their personalities.

These boxes will be used to collect non perishable food items, while monetary donations can be made in the Main Office.

Envelopes will have each student’s name on it so that money can be donated to them.  

Each non perishable food donated is worth one point, and the money raised by each person is added up to create the final score.

The student who raises the most money and points will be crowned as the 2018 Snow King at a Pep Rally on February 9.

The 2017 Snow King raised almost $600 and had over 400 non perishable food items.

The Snow King Fundraiser begins January 8 and ends February 8.

Sign-up sheets are posted outside of Room 213 between December 11 and December 15 for any senior boy wishing to be Snow King