Leaders discuss Get Real Day
November 14, 2017
Peer leaders have led three Get Real Days, counting today’s.
Get Real Day is a program created by the Jewish Community Center and is designed to create a sense of acceptance and understanding in high school.
Past Get Real Day dates were November 1 and 8 with the final day on November 14.
Junior Peer-Leader Megan Brose believes that Get Real Day has impacted the students who participate.

“Listening to stories from others is always shocking,” said Brose. “You get to learn other’s hardships and struggles to show that everyone can get through anything.”
Junior Hunter Landis agrees that the Get Real Day program can be powerful, and the program can be “a reassuring hand as they go through some pretty stressful times.”
The sophomores who actively participate in the program get a chance to learn more about their peers and understand them on a deeper level.
Discussing their differences with each other helps students learn a sense of empathy and understanding.

Senior Nate Hunsinger knows that sharing problems can be extremely beneficial to students.
“It’s just nice. Sophomores really get the opportunity to understand that everyone is
going through something. It’s really significant, everything matters…To be able to go and let it out, it helps them.” said Hunsinger. “To someone who will understand and know what you’re going through, and try their best to give you their help.”
Brose’s favorite part of being a peer leader is “Seeing people you thought you knew, open up and change your perspective of who they are.”
Hunsinger’s advice to incoming sophomores to the program is to “Just come to it with an open mind, a sense of seriousness, and a willingness to listen, learn and share.”