How to Not Drown in Make-Up Work
May 12, 2017
Fourth quarter is here and who better represents the eagerness of summer than the senior class.
It seems senioritus is running rampant through the hallways as the weather is clearing up.
Senior Lucas Miller wishes he had more time to work on his film production rather than make-up work.
“I don’t really have much to make up, but the work I do have to do can be extensive. I’m so ready for college that it can be hard to keep up on it, especially when you’re so close to the end,” said Miller.
Classes are coming to a close, people are starting to study for finals and AP exams, and there are flip flops everywhere you look.
With the finish line coming up fast, many are scrambling to make up work and keep their grades up before the end of the month.
The best course of action for those feeling a bit overwhelmed would be to talk to their teachers and see if they will accept late work; some will not but many are willing to come to compromise.
The next step is to check ProgressBook, and write down every assignment that is missing- along with the date it was assigned and the teacher who assigned it.
Then look through your papers to see if you were given the assignment and never did it or if you need to go to your teacher for a copy. (Note: Do not be impatient with a teacher if they can’t get the paper to you immediately.)
Finally, order your make up work from easiest to hardest and get the easiest work out of the way during a study hall or an extra minute in class, and save the harder material for home.
It is in everyone who’s making up work’s best interest if the assignments are turned in as soon as humanly possible because it gives the teacher time to put it in, and they aren’t feeling under pressure.
Senior Dakota Hess felt the stress of due dates with his Online Warrior Academy classes.
“I procrastinated all year and had one month to complete two full semester classes. It was grueling, but I managed to get it done so now I’m just sitting pretty until the [school] year’s over,” said Hess.
Remember, they’re the one doing you a favor, so please be considerate when turning in late work.