Indoor Guard Ends Season
May 1, 2017
The indoor guard ended their season on a good note with a 3rd place finish out of 15 groups at the KIDA championships.

Championships took place on Saturday, April 1 at Chambersburg High School. Most of the white guard members agreed that the experience was fun and memorable, albeit a bit stressful since it was a competition.
Freshman Josh Delozier gives a rundown of the whole day.
“Throughout the day, I was really nervous, because as soon as we got to the school we had to unload, and then we went to another school to use their gym to practice for a few hours. Then we got to the school to help the JV (gold) guard warm up and get sent off to perform. I was happy for them because they had a really good show,” said Delozier. “Then, it was time for us to start getting ready and doing makeup, and I was nervous. During the show I was really emotional because I wasn’t focusing on performing, I was focusing on this being the last time with the seniors, so it was nice, and I was happy, and we had a really good show.”

Freshman MacKenzie Sauter reflects on how she thought the team and herself performed at the show.
“Personally, I felt as though I had an amazing show, and it was probably my best performance of the season. This was such a relief because I was so scared of something going wrong,” said Sauter. “Overall, as a team, I think that our performance at championships was our most successful and exciting one this season, and I think that it was so much fun seeing how much our show has grown since it was first performed.”
Delozier thought that it was a good performance, but there is always room for improvement.
“We all performed really well. I think everyone did the best they could, and there was a lot of energy, and the judges really liked us because of that. I feel like there could’ve been less drops. We only had like one or two drops but it would be nice if we didn’t have any,” said Delozier.

Junior Lauren Hallameyer agrees with Sauter in that this performance was one of their best.
“I think I performed the best I have this season. Everything went amazingly. I think we have had great shows all season and this was no deviation from that… my favorite part was stepping out on that floor and performing for everyone that’s watching,” said Hallameyer.
Sauter describes the emotions she felt when it was announced that their team had won third place.
“At the awards ceremony… I remember being so anxious while awaiting our score and placement. When I heard that we had placed 3rd, I was in shock. But what made the moment so amazing was when my coach gave us our medals. When she handed me my medal, all I can remember was having tears streaming down my face,” said Sauter.
At the beginning of the season, Delozier had mentioned that the team did not work too well together. Now, he talks about how the team works together at the end of the season.
“[The atmosphere,] it’s the same, we got third place out of fifteen teams, so we’re happy, we’re good, we’re a team… we’re just a big family and families have their differences,” said Delozier.
Sauter describes how she thinks the team has progressed from the beginning of the season to now.
“All in all, this season was amazing. Everyone put their all into making this show a great one, and I’m so pleased and thankful for the outcome,” said Sauter. “The show, I believe, was amazing from the start. But to see how far it has grown since then is truly astonishing. I’m so proud of everyone, and I think this season by far is my favorite one yet.”