Color Guard Experiences New Competition
March 27, 2017
The color guard took part in an experience of a lifetime when they competed in a WGI competition in Pittsburgh at Norwin High School on March 4.
Winter Guard International, or, WGI, holds competitions all across the world for color guards and drumline ensembles.
Because of the different levels, the competition was open to a wide variety of talent, from regional A to world-class.
The guard competed in the regional A division against teams including West Shore, Chambersburg and Kiski Area high schools and ended up placing fourth out of the seven guards in their division with a score of 82.47 out of 100.
Co-color guard captain and senior Kaila Taylor felt that this experience has allowed their guard to improve immensely.
“This competition taught us to keep working hard, so we can make it into finals next time,” said Taylor. “Also watching other color guards inspires us all to be better performers.”
Color guard instructor Chrissy Drouin registered the guard for the WGI competition in order to expose them to a different competition, as they are used to being judged on the Keystone Indoor Drill Association (KIDA) scale.
Co-color guard captain and senior Destiny Rositzky felt that WGI was completely different from the competitions that their guard is used to.
“It was a higher performance… At KIDA people would just rank randomly, but at Pittsburgh, it was more of like the fancier judges that knew what they were talking about,”said Rositzky. “We were scored on a different sheet [and] I felt like it was just a different environment because it was harder and it wasn’t your average home performance.”
The color guard will be taking part in their last competition at Championships this Saturday, April 1 at Chambersburg High School.