Julien Sherman’s Experience at the 2017 Army Bowl
January 19, 2017
Julien Sherman, a senior and drumline captain here at Susquehannock High School, traveled to San Antonio on Sunday, January 1 to participate in the U.S. Army All-American Marching Band. He played snare drum alongside 124 of the nation’s best high school senior musicians in a halftime show during the U.S. Army All-American Bowl.
“It was an awesome experience because not only was I able to work with the top marching musicians around the country, but I made friends that are probably going to last a lifetime, even though I can’t really see them often,” said Sherman.

The game took place on January 7, leaving him only 4 days to learn the show.
“For this event, we had to have our music memorized so when we got there we could start learning the drill, where to march and all that… as soon as I got there, we started chunking through the show and it sounded beautiful and loud, ” said Sherman.
This is a very different pace than what he’s used to with the Susquehannock Marching Band, but the similarities remained.
“We start learning our music for [the high school’s] show in late May early June. Then we start learning the drill to our show at band camp which is beginning of August,” said Sherman. “It’s different and similar at the same time. It’s similar because it’s a great band and, just like in our marching band, we’re very good. We won first in all of our competitions this past year. What’s different is that everyone’s a senior and everyone is the best at their specific instrument there… It’s also similar because band kids have a tendency to be very positively obnoxious in a way.”
Sherman was asked what he learned and what he’ll take with him through this experience.
“I guess, throughout that week, I really learned what time management is all about. So, now I’m able to apply that to everyday life kind of stuff, like with homework… I’d say that I have a lot more connections with people now and I could understand what to do in college. I just, I definitely feel more prepared for it,” said Sherman.

Sherman’s college plans have also altered from this experience.
“The Army itself was very beneficial to us throughout the week. I got to talk to a lot of army musicians and see what they do in their lives, and it was very touching. From this experience, I’m now considering, once I graduate from college, to possibly audition for a military band because of all the benefits you get and how fun their jobs are.”
You can watch the U.S Army All-American Marching Band’s halftime performance here: https://t.co/dFhrMiVtCz