Girls Tennis Concludes at Counties

October 19, 2016

Ending with an enjoyable experience, girls tennis season came to a close at counties. The matches were played at South Western over a course of three days against Spring Grove and South Western.
Three girls were chosen to play at counties: senior Jessica McDonald, sophomore Julianne Cassady and junior Molly Hogan. These girls have played singles all year, chosen as one of the top three.
Cassady described how the matches were set up.
“Counties consisted of three days for the different levels. You play two people per day and the third day is the championship. Except for doubles, because there is more people involved in it, so it only takes up two days,” said Cassady.
Before counties started, McDonald shared how she thought the matches would go.
“I’m not gonna confidently say that we will win, but I think that Julianne and I will put in our best effort,” said McDonald.

McDonald and Cassady play doubles together, and they both enjoy playing with each other and think that they make a strong team.
“I think that we work really well together, and we have skills that compliment each other,” said McDonald.
Tennis coach Marianne Michels explained what the girls as a team could have improved on.
“The only thing, and I attribute this to any losses we had because we played great, was that we don’t work during off season. We need to start going to Wise Haven and start putting in the time outside of our season to be as strong as our competition,” said Michels. “We showed up well and we played well, we just need to put in the extra time and work.”
Individually, Cassady knew that she had some things she needed to work on.
“The girl from South Western had a little topspin and I had trouble turning it because I had to get it on rise, and I could’ve even improved my footwork, and moving quicker to the ball more,” said Cassady.

Overall, even though the scores may not have shown it, Michels thought that the season was a very positive season full of learning.
“I had the greatest group of girls this year. They got along so well, they were supportive of each other. I’m very satisfied with the season,” said Michels. “It’s just really fun being around them and watching them grow and improved, and in that time span every single one of them improved. It was really a great season.”