Seniors to Present Graduation Project to Career Seminar Classes
September 9, 2016
Seniors graduating in 2017 are the first to see a major change in the graduation project. In the past, seniors would present their graduation project to their homeroom teacher. However, this year students will be expected to present to a career seminar class.

Students will present to a career seminar class for their graduation project.
Career seminar teacher Jocelyn Ruppert believes that this change will benefit both the underclassmen and upperclassmen in various ways.
“First, it allows the underclassmen the opportunity to see the different directions, opportunities, and goals that their peers are going to embark upon. It gives underclassmen the chance to challenge their own goals. Too often students have a narrow view of what their world has to offer and what is acceptable in their family and community. Seeing and hearing upperclassmen could help broaden their goals and viewpoints,” Ruppert said. “Second, when seniors present to the career seminar classes it provides a forum for discussion between student and teacher. There are a lot of fears, anxieties, myths, and realities that go into post-secondary planning, and this opportunity could provide the insight needed.”

Senior Rachel Sergent works on her graduation project.
Even though Ruppert is excited about the change, some students, such as senior Zach Robinson, are worried that the sophomores won’t understand what the seniors are going through, and as a result won’t be as attentive.
“If I were to present in front of my homeroom, I would have been more energetic because they understand what I’m going through,” Robinson said. “I have to spend all this time to get my project together just to graduate, and the sophomores don’t know what that is like yet.”
Senior Jenny Smith notes this change will affect how she presents her graduation project.
“In the previous years, your homeroom teacher was grading you, but this year your career seminar teacher is grading you,” Smith said. “You have to dress more appropriately and be more careful about what you say on your slides.”

Graduation project requirements
Despite the worries of some students, Ruppert still believes that the seniors will benefit greatly by presenting to a career seminar class.
“I do think it will benefit the seniors. It gives seniors the opportunity to practice public speaking, which is a skill, needed for many careers. In addition, it forces seniors to stop and reflect on their future and the goals they want to achieve,” Ruppert said.
Although there is a major change in how the projects will be presented, the requirements are the same as in previous years. Students will be expected to cover what their plans are after high school and how they have prepared for this career path.
Students will be notified through e-mail, towards the end of October, what day their presentation will be.