Winners Announced in Wisconsin Primary
April 12, 2016

Over the last two weeks, the remaining five presidential candidates rallied for votes, and on Tuesday, they finally got to see the fruits of their labor. Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders emerged as the clear winners, Cruz winning over Trump by 15 percentage points, and Sanders by 13 points over Clinton.
Many political analysts have been saying that Wisconsin is a crucial state in the Midwest region, leaving fans of the two winners with much to celebrate. This is especially true for Sanders and Cruz because the next primary in New York takes place in a state which both parties’ front-runners call home. If they somehow managed to strike another win in the next state, that candidate would have a serious edge on their other party member[s].
“Either before Cleveland or at the convention in Cleveland, together, we will win a majority of the delegates, and together, we will beat Hillary Clinton in November,” Ted Cruz said during his victory speech Tuesday night, sounding confident.
Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders is busy basking in the glory of having won 6 out of the last 7 primaries, but he shouldn’t get too comfortable because he is still behind Clinton in the total number of pledged delegates. If Sanders can’t manage to turn this around in time, he will lose the Democratic nomination, which will end his campaign.
Donald Trump, to the pleasure of many Americans, is finally starting to see his fringe supporters fall away, and soon is likely to have only die-hard fans by his side. At the rate things are going overall, John Kasich will inevitably drop out of the race at some point, Trump’s more moderate followers will go elsewhere, possibly leaving Cruz to take the nomination, and Sanders and Clinton will have a neck-and-neck race until the very end.