10th Annual College Fair Guides Students
March 24, 2016
Now is the time where upperclassmen are really starting to think about their future plans after high school.
For the past ten years, the high school has held a college fair where an exceptional amount of local colleges and universities come to advertise their school to the juniors and seniors.
This year’s college fair took place on Tuesday, March 22 in the high school cafeteria.
Guidance counselor Evelyn Kabke believes that the college fair is a useful resource for the students.
“I think the college fair is an excellent opportunity for students to come in, meet with a lot of different college representatives in one area…it helps them save time and is convenient in a place that they are familiar with…students may come across colleges that they have never heard of,” Kabke said.
Not only does the college fair give students the chance to gain information about several schools at the same time, in the same place, but it also gives students opportunities to finish their graduation project.
Senior Kayla Bennett had the opportunity to get her field experiences for her graduation project done from attending the college fair.
“I only needed to visit two colleges, so I got information from Lebanon Valley College and West Chester University,” Bennett said.
The spokespeople from each college do their best to represent their institution well and be incomparable to other schools so that students will want to enroll in their college.
Junior Elizabeth Ayres thought that the representatives did their job well.
“The reps of each college were really welcoming, and they gave out good information about their college,” Ayres said.
The college fair is a success every year because students are impacted by the information they learn about different schools around the area.