“All it takes is a beautiful fake smile to hide an injured soul, and they will never notice how broken you really are.”
When the beloved Robin Williams said this, he spoke the truth. It really only takes someone to look happy for people to believe they are happy. Unfortunately, that one person that laughs all the time and makes jokes and smiles could secretly be suffering from a mental disorder that makes a person feel sad on the inside, and no one will ever find out what is under their mask of smiles.
Mental disorders can be a wide range of illness, such as depression, anxiety and eating disorders. These mental
disorders take over a person’s life. Whether it’s that they can not eat anything because they constantly feel bad about themselves, or that they feel miserable all day no matter what happy event comes their way. These mental disorders interfere with everything that a person does. They have a hard time being in relationships, doing their schoolwork and playing sports. It is hard to comprehend what it feels like to have a mental disorder unless you have one, so the best way to deal with someone who has one is to talk to them and support him or her about it. Most of the time the only way to cure their illness is through counseling and talking out their issue, so by people showing their support and love, it can ultimately cure a person with a mental illness.
A recent program has been created to share support to those in need. The program, Bell Let’s Talk, is based in
Canada and is constantly ready to talk to anyone who is suffering. Besides all the other days Bell Let’s Talk helps people, they have one day that they really stand out to the world. January 27 every year is the day that they try to spread awareness worldwide anyway they can. The most popular way of sharing that day is through Twitter. On Twitter, they were able to get the #BellLetsTalk trending very quickly. The program even vowed to donate 5 cents to mental health for every tweet and retweet. Everyone on twitter that day came together as one and showed their love to anyone who felt like they were drowning. Their campaign succeeded, and they were even able to get celebrities psyched about tweeting their support. Popular stars like Ellen DeGeneres and Justin Bieber spoke for the cause. At the
end of the day, Bell Let’s Talk was able to rally in a grand total of 122,150,772 tweets and raised a total of $6,107,538.60.
As one, all of us coming together can speak out for the cause and help fund the cure for mental illnesses.
Senior, Katelin Tyler has been a part of the Courier staff for two years and is a news editor. At Susquehannock, she is involved in Best Buds, Link Crew,...
Do you plan on attending Student & Warrior Council's Winter Carnival on Jan. 30?