Susky Swimmers Take Home a Win

Photo courtesy of Hailey Villa.
December 21, 2015
Susquehannock swimmers splashed into the season; girls and boys won against Southwestern teams on December 17.
The girl swimmers have waited five years for this win, and while the boys have had some success in the few years, this win was still momentous. Boys won 84-78, and girls came out victorious 93-86.
Senior Megan Keuler, who has been a part of the team throughout high school, thought the meet was a good start to her senior season.
“It feels amazing knowing that all of our hard work is paying off,” said Keuler. “… I think it has motivated everyone to push themselves that much harder.”
The swim team will backstroke again in its meet at Gettysburg on January 4 at 5 pm. To keep up with Susky swimmers, follow @Suskyswim.